July 20, 2000
Released version 0.1.1. This one is quite a bit more
usable than the rather messy first version.
greatly improved event system
added internal optimal videomode selection
redesigned class JEGL; added singleton class
new and updated examples
miscellaneous changes and bug-fixes
jegl is a set of Eiffel classes wrapping
the Simple DirectMedia Layer
(SDL). Additionally, it has high-level features like
sprites, bitmapped fonts, simple pixel access and more.
It is easy to use and performs quite well.
This library is released under the LGPL.
How fast is it?
Pretty fast, thanks to the excellent SmallEiffel compiler
and with -boost on. I admit, though, for
something like a 3D-engine that requires every single bit
of performance, C might be the better choice.
What are the requirements?
You need SDL
1.1.3 and
SDL_image. For compilation, you also need the GNU SmallEiffel
compiler version -0.77 or better.
Where is documentation?
There is none yet. Please check out the examples, they
show you how to use some of the functions of jegl.
Additionally, you can just browse the jegl classes.
Which platforms are supported?
Currently, jegl is only tested under Linux + SmallEiffel.
The win32 port of SmallEiffel, elj-win32,
might do it as well, but I don't know about the other
Eiffel compilers. Expect this to improve soon.
Why Eiffel?
Because Eiffel is in my opinion the most advanced object
oriented language. It's 'Design by Contract' feature
leads, if correctly applied, to extremely bug-free
programs. Unfortunately, Eiffel is not very popular, but
that's why I started working on this library.
Let's look at some simple example source code:
The latest release is
Please visit jegl's sourceforge
project page and check out the latest file releases.
For any comments, suggestions, contributions, please mail me or visit the project